Tuesday, January 1, 2013

LEGO - The Nurse's Car

A friend of mine came to India to visit me during the February 2012 and gifted this to my son. Before telling how awesome this toy is, I should describe this...

This duplo set (Code: 5793) comes with 10 toy pieces, a car (comprising of 2 inter lockable pieces and the the blue flash light block for the car's rear), a brick with medical decor, a flower, a Nurse figure, a small medi-kit (a carry case as one might also call it). The pieces are brightly colored perfectly fit into the little hands. No dearth for imaginations. My little one was 15 months old when he got this toy. This toy with just 10 pieces kept him engaged for for hours together, even today. A best gift one could give for a kid's first birthday. 

When this toy came in we started getting him blocks and construction sets available at our local market. Our knowledge in the toy market was at a very primitive level, and the blocks at the local market were the most affordable. Firstly, that we were not aware that LEGO had already taken charge of the Indian toy market and secondly they were not affordable. I still remember we had the small blocks and construction sets available to us and we were always looking for the ones like that. My son of course would play with them all but would be tired of them since they kept falling, they wont snap strongly with each other and were made of cheap plastic materials. So FAILED ATTEMPTS to keep him engaged!!! Now name the block toy and we had it all. To add to the misery, neither imaginative figures or accessories came with them nor were they compatible with each other. We landed up only spending a lots of money on nothing. 


But then, one good thing such construction toys, name them, cheap or expensive, they will definitely help build the motor and imaginative skills of your ever growing and ever learning bundle of joy! Here is his first construction tower (of course not Lego but one of my experimental toys on him!)


  1. Oh yea, we wasted so much before we landed on LEGO blocks, but I think it was LEGO that really got us researching about toys and do all this, isn't it...
