Friday, March 22, 2013

Drillin' Action Tool Set

This is a set that is definitely worth a buy.  Everytime I had to change the batteries for my 2 year old's toys he would stand beside me wanting to do that himself. This drilling action tool set helped me a lot to keep him away from the real screw drivers. I was happy I got him one (as long as he doesn't come hitting me with the hammer!!!). 

The set comes with a toolbox, a hammer, a driller with 2 interchangeable drilling pieces, 3 screws and 3 nuts.

  Happy? Since it keeps him engaged for a long time...

Unhappy?  The hammer has sharp fangs and it can easily hurt anyone... I would never let him play with the set away from my watchful eyes!!!

Overall, its a fun time toy for my little bundle of joy!

Check out more in this video...

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